[LisaFAQ] > [Lisa Software] > [Lisa Office System]

4.4.4. Lisa Office System gave me this numeric error. What does it mean?


Negative codes are usually warnings that don't indicate an actual error.

Errors below 10,000 are errors returned by the Lisa OS or one of its libraries. These will generate error dialogs in programs but should not affect the program or its data.

Errors in 10,000 range are fatal OS errors. When they occur you may have lot data and will need to reboot.

Lisa error dialogs from the Lisa Office System typically show 3 number. One is the error code, another the process number, and another the memory address of the error. You really can't do anything with this info except use the error number.

The Errors

-6081 End of exec file input
-6004 Attempt to reset text file with typed-file type
-6003 Attempt to reset nontext file with text type
-1885 ProFile not present during driver initialization
-1882 ProFile not present during driver initialization
-1176 Data in the object have been altered by Scavenger
-1175 File or volume was scavenged
-1174 File was left open or volume was left mounted, and system crashed
-1173 File was last closed by the OS
-1146 Only a portion of the space requested was allocated
-1063 Attempt to mount boot volume from another Lisa or not most recent boot volume
-1060 Attempt to mount a foreign boot disk following a temporary unmount
-1059 The bad block directory of the diskette is almost full or difficult to read
- 876 (from CLOSE_OBJECT) The file just closed. May be damaged or contain corrupted data because an I/O error occurred when writing a part of the file that was buffered by the file system
- 696 Printer out of paper during initialization
- 660 Cable disconnected during ProFile initialization
- 626 Scavenger indicated data are questionable, but may be OK
- 622 Parameter memory and the disk copy were both invalid
- 621 Parameter memory was invalid but the disk copy was valid
- 620 Parameter memory was valid but the disk copy was invalid
- 413 Event channel was scavenged
- 412 Event channel was left open and system crashed
- 321 Data segment open when the system crashed. Data possibly invalid.
- 320 Could not determine size of data segment
- 150 Process was created, but a library used by program has been scavenged and altered
- 149 Process was created, but the specified program file has been scavenged and altered
- 125 Specified process is already terminating
- 120 Specified process is already active
- 115 Specified process is already suspended
100 Specified process does not exist
101 Specified process is a system process
110 Invalid priority specified (must be l..225)
130 Could not open program file
131 File System error while trying to read program file
132 Invalid program file (incorrect format)
133 Could not get a stack segment for new process
134 Could not get a syslocal segment for new process
135 Could not get sysglobal space for new process
136 Could not set up communication channel for new process
138 Error accessing program file while loading
141 Error accessing a library file while loading program
142 Cannot run protected file on this machine
143 Program uses an intrinsic unit not found in the Intrinsic Library
144 Program uses an intrinsic unit whose name/type does not agree with the Intrinsic Library
145 Program uses a shared segment not found in the Intrinsic Library
146 Program uses a shared segment whose name does not agree with the Intrinsic Library
147 No space in syslocal for program file descriptor during process creation
148 No space in the shared IU data segment for the program's shared IU globals
190 No space in syslocal for program tile description during List_LibFiles operation
191 Could not open program file
192 Error trying to read program file
193 Cannot read protected program file
194 Invalid program file (incorrect format)
195 Program uses a shared segment not found in the Intrinsic Library
196 Program uses a shared segment whose name does not agree with the Intrinsic Library
198 Disk I/O error trying to read the intrinsic unit directory
199 Specified library file number does not exist in the Intrinsic Library
201 No such exception name declared
202 No space left in the system data area for Declare_Excep_Hdl or Signal_Excep
203 Null name specified as exception name
302 Invalid LDSN
303 No data segment hound to the LDSN
304 Data segment already bound to the LDSN
306 Data segment too large
307 Input data segment path name is invalid
308 Data segment already exists
309 Insufficient disk space for data segment
310 An invalid size has been specified
311 Insufficient system resources
312 Unexpected File System error
313 Data segment not found
314 Invalid address passed to Info_Address
315 Insufficient memory for operation
317 Disk error while trying to swap in data segment
401 Invalid event channel name passed to Make_Event_Chn
402 No space left in system global data area for Open_Event_Chn
403 No space left in system local data area for Open_Event_Chn
404 Non-block-structured device specified in pathname
405 Catalog is full in Make_Event_Chn or Open Event_Chn
406 No such event channel exists in Kill_Event_Chn
410 Attempt to open a local event channel to send
411 Attempt to open event channel to receive when event channel has a receiver
413 Unexpected File System error in Open_Event_Chn
416 Cannot get enough disk space for event channel in Open_Event_Chn
417 Unexpected File System error in Close_Event_Chn
420 Attempt to wait on a channel that the calling process did not open
421 Wait_Event_Chn returns empty because sender process could not complete
422 Attempt to call Wait_Event_Chn on an empty event-call channel
423 Cannot find corresponding event channel after being blocked
424 Amount of data returned while reading from event channel not of expected size
425 Event channel empty after being unblocked, Wait_Event_Chn
426 Bad request pointer error returned in Wait_Event_Chn
427 Wait List has illegal length specified
428 Receiver unblocked because last sender closed
429 Unexpected File System error in Wait_Event_Chn
430 Attempt to send to a channel which the calling process does not have open
431 Amount of data transferred while writing to event channel not of expected size
432 Sender unblocked because receiver closed in Send_Event_Chn
433 Unexpected File System error in Send_Event_Chn
440 unexpected File System error in Make_Event_Chn
441 Event channel already exists in Make_Event_Chn
445 Unexpected File System error in Kill_Event_Chn
450 Unexpected File System error in Flush Event_Chn
530 Size of stack expansion request exceeds limit specified for program
531 Cannot perform explicit stack expansion due to lack of memory
532 Insufficient disk space for explicit stack expansion
600 Attempt to perform I/O operation on non I/O request
602 No more alarms available during driver initialization
605 Call to nonconfigured device driver
606 Cannot find sector on floppy diskette (disk unformatted)
608 Illegal length or disk address for transfer
609 Call to nonconfigured device driver
610 No more room in sysglobal for I/O request
613 Unpermitted direct access to spare track with sparing enabled on floppy drive
614 No disk present in drive
615 Wrong call version to floppy drive
616 Unpermitted floppy drive function
617 Checksum error on floppy diskette
618 Cannot format, or write protected, or error unclamping floppy diskette
619 No more room in sysglobal for I/O request
623 Illegal device control parameters to floppy drive
625 Scavenger indicated data are bad
630 The time passed to Delay_Time, Convert_Time, or Send_Event_Chn has invalid year
631 Illegal timeout request parameter
632 No memory available to initialize clock
634 Illegal timed event id of - 1
635 Process got unblocked prematurely due to process termination
636 Timer request did not complete successfully
638 Time passed to Delay_Time or Send_Event_Chn more than 23 days from current time
639 Illegal date passed to Set_Time, or illegal date from system clock in Get Time
640 RS-232 driver called with wrong version number
641 RS-232 read or write initiated with illegal parameter
642 Unimplemented or unsupported RS-232 driver function
646 No memory available to initialize RS-232
647 Unexpected RS-232 timer interrupt
648 Unpermitted RS-232 initialization, or disconnect detected
649 Illegal device control parameters to RS-232
652 N-port driver not initialized prior to ProFile
653 No room in sysglobal to initialize ProFile
654 Hard error status returned from drive
655 Wrong call version to ProFile
656 Unpermitted ProFile function
657 Illegal device control parameter to ProFile
658 Premature end of file when reading from driver
659 Corrupt File System header chain found in driver
660 Cable disconnected
662 Parity error while sending command or writing data to ProFile
663 Checksum error or CRC error or parity error in data read
666 Timeout
670 Bad command response from drive
671 Illegal length specified (must = 1 on input)
672 Unimplemented console driver function
673 No memory available to initialize console
674 Console driver called with wrong version number
675 Illegal device control
680 Wrong call version to serial driver
682 Unpermitted serial driver function
683 No room in sysglobal to initialize serial driver
685 Eject not allowed for this device
686 No room in sysglobal to initialize n-port card driver
687 Unpermitted n-port card driver function
688 Wrong call version to n-port card driver
690 Wrong call version to parallel printer
691 Illegal parallel printer parameters
692 N-port card not initialized prior to parallel printer
693 No room in sysgloball. to initialize parallel printer
694 Unimplemented parallel printer function
695 Illegal device control parameters (parallel printer)
696 Printer out of paper
698 Printer offline
699 No response from printer
700 Mismatch between loader version number and Operating System version number
701 OS exhausted its internal space during startup
702 Cannot make system process
703 Cannot kill pseudo-outer process
704 Cannot create driver
706 Cannot initialize floppy disk driver
707 Cannot initialize the File System volume
708 Hard disk mount table unreadable
709 Cannot map screen data
710 Too many slot-based devices
724 The boot tracks do not know the right File System version
725 Either damaged File System or damaged contents
726 Boot device read failed
727 The OS will not fit into the available memory
728 SYSTEM.OS is missing
729 SYSTEM.CONFIG is corrupt
730 SYSTEM.OS is corrupt
731 SYSTEM.DEBUG or SYSTEM.DEBUG2 is corrupt
732 SYSTEM.LLD is corrupt
733 Loader range error
734 Wrong driver is found. For instance, storing a diskette loader on a ProFile
735 SYSTEM.LLD is missing
736 SYSTEM.UNPACK is missing
737 Unpack of SYSTEM.OS with SYSTEM.UNPACK failed
791 Configurable Driver (CD) code file not executable
792 Could not get code space for the CD
793 I/O error reading CD code file
794 CD code file not found
795 CD has more than 1 segment
796 Could not get temporary space while loading CD
801 I/O Result <> 0 on I/O using the Monitor
802 Asynchronous I/O request not completed successfully
803 Bad combination of mode parameters
806 Page specified is out of range
809 Invalid arguments (page, address, offset, or count)
810 The requested page could not be read in
816 Not enough sysglobal space for File System buffers
819 Bad device number
820 No space in sysglobal for asynchronous request list
821 Already initialized I/O for this device
822 Bad device number
825 Error in parameter values (Allocate)
826 No more room to allocate pages on device
828 Error in parameter values (Deallocate)
829 Partial deallocation only (ran into unallocated region)
835 Invalid s-file number
837 Unallocated s-file or I/O error
838 Map overflow: s-file too large
839 Attempt to compact file past PEOF
840 The allocation map of this file is truncated
841 Unallocated s-file or I/O error
843 Requested exact fit, but one could not be provided
847 Requested transfer count is <= 0
848 End of file encountered
849 Invalid page or offset value in parameter list
852 Bad unit number
854 No free slots in s-list directory (too many s-files)
855 No available disk space for file hints
856 Device not mounted
857 Empty, locked, or invalid s-file
861 Relative page is beyond PEOF (bad parameter value)
864 No sysglobal space for volume bitmap
866 Wrong FS version or not a valid Lisa FS volume
867 Bad unit number
868 Bad unit number
869 Unit already mounted (mount)/no unit mounted
870 No sysglobal space for DCB or MDDF
871 Parameter not a valid s-file ID
872 No sysglobal space for s-file control block
873 Specified file is already open for private access
874 Device not mounted
875 Invalid s-file ID or s-file control block
879 Attempt to position past LEOF
881 Attempt to read empty file
882 No space on volume for new data page of file
883 Attempt to read past LEOF
884 Not first auto-allocation, but file was empty
885 Could not update filesize hints after a write
886 No syslocal space for I/O request list
887 Catalog pointer does not indicate a catalog (bad parameter)
888 Entry not found in catalog
890 Entry that name already exists
891 Catalog is full or is damaged
892 Illegal name for an entry
894 Entry not round, or catalog is damaged
895 Invalid entry name
896 Safety switch is on cannot kill entry
897 Invalid bootdev value
899 Attempt to allocate a pipe
900 Invalid page count or FCB pointer argument
901 Could not satisfy allocation request
921 Pathname invalid or no such device
922 Invalid label size
926 Pathname invalid or no such device
927 Invalid label size
941 Pathname invalid or no such device
944 Object is not a file
945 File is not in the killed state
946 Pathname invalid or no such device
947 Not enough space in syslocal for File System retdb
948 Entry not found in specified catalog
949 Private access not allowed if file already open shared
950 Pipe already in use, requested access not possible or dwrite not allowed
951 File is already opened in private mode
952 Bad refnum
954 Bad refnum
955 Read access not allowed to specified object
956 Attempt to position FMARK past LEOF not allowed
957 Negative request count is illegal
958 Nonsequential access is not allowed
959 System resources exhausted
960 Error writing to pipe while an unsatisfied read was pending
961 Bad refnum
962 No WRITE or APPEND access allowed
963 Attempt to position FMARK too far past LEOF
964 Append access not allowed in absolute mode
965 Append access not allowed in relative mode
966 Internal inconsistency of FMARK and LEOF (warning)
967 Nonsequential access is not allowed
968 Bad refnum
971 Pathname invalid or no such device
972 Entry not found in specified catalog
974 Bad refnum
977 Bad refnum
978 Page count is nonpositive
979 Not a block-structured device
981 Bad refnum
982 No space has been allocated for specified file
983 Not a block-structured device
985 Bad refnum
986 No space has been allocated for specified file
987 Not a block-structured device
988 Bad refnum
989 Caller is not a reader of the pipe
990 Not a block-structured device
994 Invalid refnum
995 Not a block-structured device
999 Asynchronous read was unblocked before it was satisfied
1021 Pathname invalid or no such entry
1022 No such entry found
1023 Invalid newname, check for '-' in string
1024 New name already exists in catalog
1031 Pathname invalid or no such entry
1032 Invalid transfer count
1033 No such entry found
1041 Pathname invalid or no such entry
1042 Invalid transfer count
1043 No such entry found
1051 No device or volume by that name
1052 A volume is already mounted on device
1053 Attempt to mount temporarily unmounted hoot volume just unmounted from this Lisa
1054 The had block directory of the diskette is invalid
1061 No device or volume by that name
1062 No volume is mounted on device
1071 Not a valid or mounted volume for working directory
1091 Pathname invalid or no such entry
1092 No such entry found
1101 Invalid device name
1121 Invalid device, not mounted, or catalog is damaged
1122 (from RESET_CATALOG) There is no space available in the process' local data area to allocate the catalog scan buffer
1124 (from GET_NEXT-ENTRY) There is no space available in the process' local data area to allocate the catalog scan buffer
1128 Invalid pathname, device, or volume not mounted
1130 File is protected; cannot open due to protection violation
1131 No device or volume by that name
1132 No volume is mounted on that device
1133 No more open files in the file list of that device
1134 Cannot find space in sysglobal for open file list
1135 Cannot find the open file entry to modify
1136 Boot volume not mounted
1137 Boot volume already unmounted
1138 Caller cannot have higher priority than system processes when calling ubd
1141 Boot volume was not unmounted when calling rbd
1142 Some other volume still mounted on the boot device when calling rbd
1143 No sysglobal space for MDDF to do rbd
1144 Attempt to remount volume which is not the temporarily unmounted hoot volume
1145 No sysglobal space for hit map to do rbd
1158 Track-by-track copy buffer is too small
1159 Shutdown requested while boot volume was unmounted
1160 Destination device too small for track-by-track copy
1161 Invalid final shutdown mode
1162 Power is already off
1163 Illegal command
1164 Device is not a diskette device
1165 No volume is mounted on the device
1166 A valid volume is already mounted on the device
1167 Not a block-structured device
1168 Device name is invalid
1169 Could not access device before initialization using default device parameters
1170 Could not mount volume after initialization
1171 '-' is not allowed in a volume name
1172 No space available to initialize a bitmap for the volume
1176 Cannot read from a pipe more than half of its allocated physical size
1177 Cannot cancel a read request for a pipe
1178 Process waiting for pipe data got unblocked because last pipe writer closed it
1180 Cannot write to a pipe more than halt of its allocated physical size
1181 No system space left for request block for pipe
1182 Writer process to a pipe got unblocked before the request was satisfied
1183 Cannot cancel a write request for a pipe
1184 Process waiting for pipe space got unblocked because the reader closed the pipe
1186 Cannot allocate space to a pipe while it has data wrapped around
1188 Cannot compact a pipe while it has data wrapped around
1190 Attempt to access a page that is not allocated to the pipe
1191 Bad parameter
1193 Premature end of file encountered
1196 Something is still open on device, cannot unmount
1197 Volume is not formatted or cannot be read
1198 Negative request count is illegal
1199 Function or procedure is not yet implemented
1200 Illegal volume parameter
1201 Blank file parameter
1202 Error writing destination file
1203 Invalid UCSD directory
1204 File not found
1210 Boot track program not executable
1211 Boot track program too big
1212 Error reading boot track program
1213 Error writing boot track program
1214 Boot track program file not found
1215 Cannot write boot tracks on that device
1216 Could not create/close internal buffer
1217 Boot track program has too many code segments
1218 Could not find configuration information entry
1219 Could not get enough working space
1220 Premature SOP in boot track program
1221 Position out of range
1222 No device at that position
1225 Scavenger has detected an internal inconsistency symptomatic of a software bug
1226 Invalid device name
1227 Device is not block structured
1228 Illegal attempt to scavenge the boot volume
1229 Cannot read consistently from the volume
1230 Cannot write consistently to the volume
1231 Cannot allocate space (Heap segment)
1232 Cannot allocate space (Map segment)
1233 Cannot allocate space (SFDB segment)
1237 Error rebuilding the volume root directory
1240 Illegal attempt to scavenge a non-OS-formatted volume
1295 The allocation map of this file is damaged and cannot be read
1296 Bad string argument has been passed
1297 Entry name for the object is invalid (on the volume)
1298 S-list entry for the object is invalid (on the volume)
1807 No disk in floppy drive
1820 Write-protect error on floppy drive
1822 Unable to clamp floppy drive
1824 Floppy drive write error
1882 Bad response from ProFile
1885 ProFile timeout error
1998 Invalid parameter address
1999 Bad refnum
6001 Attempt to access unopened file
6002 Attempt to reopen a file which is not closed using an open FIB (file info block)
6003 Operation incompatible with access mode
6004 Printer offline
6005 File record type incompatible with character device (must be byte sized)
6006 Bad integer (read)
6010 Operation incompatible with file type or access mode
6081 Premature end of exec file
6082 Invalid exec (temporary) file name
6083 Attempt to set prefix with null name
6090 Attempt to move console with exec or output file open
6101 Bad real (read)
6151 Attempt to reinitialize heap already in use
6152 Bad argument to NEW (negative size)
5153 Insufficient memory for NEW request
6154 Attempt to RELEASE outside of heap
10050 Request block is not chained to a PCB (Unblk_Req)
10051 Bld_Req is called with interrupts off
10100 An error was returned from SetUp_Directory or a Data Segment Routine Setup_IUInfo)
10102 Error > 0 trying to create shell (Root)
10103 Sem_Count > 1 (mit_Sem)
10104 Could not open event channel for shell (Root)
10197 Automatic stack expansion fault occurred in system code (Check_Stack)
10198 Need_Mem set for current process while scheduling is disabled SimpleScheduler)
10199 Attempt to block for reason other than I/O while scheduling is disabled (SimpleScheduler)
10201 Hardware exception occurred while in system code
10202 No space left from Sigl Excep call in Hard_Excep
10203 No space left from Sigl Excep call in Nmi_Excep
10205 Error from Wait_Event_Chn called in Excep_Prolog
10207 No system data space in Excep_Setup
10208 No space left from Sigl Excep call in range error
10212 Error in Term_Def_Hdl from Enable_Excep
10213 Error in Force_Term_Excep, no space in Enq_Ex_Data
10401 Error from Close_Event Chn in Sc Cleanup
10582 Unable to get space in Freeze_Seq
10590 Fatal memory parity error
10593 Unable to move memory manager segment during startup
10594 Unable to swap in a segment during startup
10595 Unable to get space in Extend MMlist
10596 Trying to alter size of segment that is not data or stack (Alt_DS Size)
10597 Trying to allocate space to an allocated segment (Alloc_Mem)
10598 Attempting to allocate a nonfree memory region (Take_Free)
10599 Fatal Disk error trying to read system code into memory
10600 Error attempting to make timer pipe
10601 Error from Kill_Object of an existing timer pipe
10602 Error from second Make Pipe to make timer pipe
10603 Error from Open to open timer pipe
10604 No syslocal space for head of timer list
10605 Error during allocate space for timer pipe, or interrupt from nonconfigured device
10609 Interrupt from nonconfigured device
10610 Error from info about timer pipe
10611 Spurious interrupt from floppy drive #2
10612 Spurious interrupt from floppy drive #1, or no syslocal space for timer list element
10613 Error from Read_Data of timer pipe
10614 Actual returned from Read_Data is not the same as requested from timer pipe
10615 Error from open of the receiver's event channel
10616 Error from Write_Event to the receiver's event channel
10617 Error from Close_Event_Chn on the receiver's pipe
10619 No sysglobal space for timer request block
10624 Attempt to shut down floppy disk controller while drive is still busy
10637 Not enough memory to initialize system timeout drives
10675 Spurious timeout on console driver
10699 Spurious timeout on parallel printer driver
10700 Mismatch between loader version number and Operating System version number
10701 OS exhausted its internal space during startup
10702 Cannot make system process
10703 Cannot kill pseudo-outer process
10704 Cannot create driver
10706 Cannot initialize floppy disk driver
10707 Cannot initialize the File System volume
10708 Hard disk mount table unreadable
10709 Cannot map screen data
10710 Too many slot-based devices
10724 The boot tracks do not know the right File System version
10725 Either damaged File System or damaged contents
10726 Boot device read failed
10727 The OS will not fit into the available memory
10728 SYSTEM.OS is missing
10729 SYSTEM.CONFIG is corrupt
10730 SYSTEM.OS is corrupt
10731 SYSTEM.DEBUG or SYSTEM.DEBUG2 is corrupt
10732 SYSTEM.LLD is corrupt
10733 Loader range error
10734 Wrong driver is found. For instance, storing a diskette loader on a ProFile
10735 SYSTEM.LLD is missing
10736 SYSTEM.UNPACK is missing
10737 Unpack of SYSTEM.OS with SYSTEM.UNPACK failed
11176 Found a pending write request for a pipe while in Close_Object when it is called by the last writer of the pipe
11177 Found a pending read request for a pipe while in Close Object when it is called by the (only possible) reader of the pipe
11178 Found a pending read request for a pipe while in Read_Data from the pipe
11180 Found a pending write request for a pipe while in Write_Data to the pipe
118xx Error xx from diskette ROM (See OS errors 18xx)
11901 Call to Getspace or Relspace with a bad parameter, or free pool is bad

Sources: David T. Craig, and Tech Procedures Appendix A-B OS Error Codes (Scanned in, beware of OCR errors.)

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